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10 reasons why your business needs a website

in Tech

Even if you have a small business with a small number of employees and you don't sell online, you still need a website. How so? Having a website helps you not lose customers to competitors who already have one. Also, are you absolutely sure you can't sell the products online?

Since the covid pandemic, the commercial landscape has changed drastically. Millions of online shoppers are looking for everything from books and notebooks to home goods, furniture and more.

So, while hesitating, your competitor notices how effective a website can be for their business. In this article, Raisis Software gives 10 reasons why a website is necessary for your business. In the end, the decision remains yours.

If I have a Facebook page do I also need a website?

It is common for businesses to rely solely on Facebook or other social media platforms as their main advertising channels. They provide several advantages and allow you to conduct market research. However, a Facebook page cannot replace a website.

Think what could happen if one day Facebook decides to stop supporting businesses. If your Facebook page was your only presence online, all the customers and followers you've gained would disappear.

In fact, not long ago, Facebook was inaccessible globally, which caused moments of frenzy. And while it's unlikely Facebook will stop supporting businesses, you have no say in the changes Facebook chooses to implement. However, in the case of the website, you have full control over its appearance and functionality.

Facebook has limits in SEO

And this should be the main reason why your Facebook page should not be your only online presence.

Where do you go when you want to search for a local business, on Facebook or Google? The 3.5 billion daily searches on Google show that most people are turning to search engines instead of using social media to find information.

A business website allows you to position yourself so that people can find you when they search for the products you sell or the services you offer.

Even though you can easily compete with larger websites, you can optimize your site for local searches to attract an audience in your area.

A website inspires more trust

A business website is a symbol of trust, and people only buy from businesses they know, like and trust. So, while it may be faster to create a Facebook page, you will be able to have more authority and trust with a business website.

Why have a website for your business

Whether you have a small or large business, a business website offers many advantages. Here are the most significant benefits of a business website:

A website provides a real and unified image, based on the brand manual, of your business

Anyone can create a Facebook business page; it's free and can be done in seconds. This low barrier to entry removes much of the credibility of a business social media page. Customers don't know who is behind a Facebook page, where they are located, and whether it's all a scam.

On the other hand, creating a business website is not free and shows that you are relatively serious about your business. Therefore, a business website gives a more professional and credible look.

It is an essential step in the customer journey

An effective website is where you want your audience from different channels to go. On the website you will inspire potential customers to take action. The website is like a physical store - people walk past it until they enter to see what you have to offer.

So, even if they don't buy something on their first visit, they are likely to buy on subsequent visits. Likewise, customers discover your business through different channels, such as social media feeds and ads.

It's the perfect way to show people who you are, what you do and what you believe in. That way, they can decide whether to stay loyal to you or not.

A website increases visibility. There are more than 4.5 billion active Internet users worldwide, and more than 90% of them access the Internet through mobile devices. Without a website, your business is practically invisible to these people.

It is essential for local businesses. Many small business owners don't see the need to invest in an effective business website. However, I am currently missing out on an incredible source of income. The following statistics show how important a website is to a local business: 46% of Google searches include local intent, 97% of users use searches to find local businesses, 28% of users have purchased a produs after a local search, 70% of users will visit a store based on what they find online.

One of the best things about investing in a business website is that it continues to generate value even years after you've created it. When you pay for social media ads, potential customers only see your ads while you're running them. If they don't see them, you'll have to pay for the ad campaign again.

On the other hand, a business website offers a long-term ROI. Even if it doesn't bring you income in the first year, you have time to adjust things until you get a return.

Creating a website is easier and cheaper than you think

Many business owners refuse to create a website because they think it is difficult and expensive. However, this is not true. It has never been easier and cheaper to have a high quality website.

Even as a small business, an effective website allows you to compete with the "big players" in your industry. If you play your cards right and optimize your website properly, it is possible to beat the big sites and get leads organically from search engines.

If you already have the idea of a website for your business, discover the Raisis Software project portfolio and contact us about your project.


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