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Artificial intelligence (AI) in building a website

in Tech

If you've been thinking about using artificial intelligence (AI) to build your website, you're not alone. But as we've learned from the world's little experience with such technologies, AI has advantages and disadvantages.

That is why, in this article you will find what they can be and how they can influence you, if you want to build a website using artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence and web design

Gone are the days when launching a website took long, long months. Today, not only have the processes become simpler, but also the experts more…experts. Thanks to today's knowledge and technologies, software experts create a website from scratch in a shorter period of time. Web design is one area that can benefit from AI, but only if the capabilities of artificial intelligence are properly targeted and used.

A web designer knows that the user experience is what matters and not some opinion of how a button should look on the site. However, AI can bring complex visions to life in minutes, not days. You can more easily combine fonts and colors to test parity and see more quickly how intuitive the site is. Some popular AI models can help web designers apply more complex ideas and deliver intuitive websites based on user experience to clients.

Optimizing SEO efforts

The process of optimizing for search engines is an intensive one. AI can help you simplify this redundant and long task. If you rewrite your site, you can use AI to analyze your existing content and make suggestions so you can improve readability, keyword density, and other aspects that can influence your position in search engines. Plus, you can use AI to make sure your site has the right structural elements.

Of course, AI is not the answer in generating quality content. But it can pull some strings to get you there in the most efficient way.

Personalized user experience

As a McKinsey analysis shows, 71% of consumers expect brands to provide them with personalized interactions, and 76% are frustrated if this does not happen.

Certainly, personalization is essential to the success of your business. Fortunately, AI can help here as well. Customization isn't just doable—it's much easier than it would otherwise be. For example, you can collect data about visitors with the help of AI, including their interactions with content and browsing behavior.

Once you've done this, you can use AI to analyze the data and provide actionable insights about your audience. You can even use artificial intelligence to provide personalized content recommendations based on previous reading.

At least as useful and important are chatbots. Thanks to tools like these, AI makes sure your audience's most burning questions get answered quickly. That way, visitors won't leave your site because they can't access the answers they need.

AI can't do everything. Here are the disadvantages

As I told you above, AI can be a way to access, not a solution. The main concern with using artificial intelligence is that if you use it too much, you can become dependent on it.

The site loses its human touch and customer interactions feel robotic and impersonal. Therefore, people do not invest emotionally in your products. The only constant when it comes to a balanced and profitable brand is its humanity and ability to evoke certain emotions in a certain audience. If you use AI excessively, you can lose one of the biggest and most important qualities of your business.

Another disadvantage is privacy issues. For AI personalization you need to collect information about users. Because the data you have may pass through a third-party platform (the AI tool you use to analyze it), you may not be able to protect user information as rigorously as you normally would.

However, using AI tools for websites is worth a try. At RaisisSoftware we integrate some of the best software technologies into the solutions we create for our clients so that the results are beyond expectations, lasting and reliable for the businesses in question.

If you also want to have a high-performance website, adapted to modern technologies, just send us a message and see how we can help you. On the site you can do a free estimate, and we do a free code review to make sure that the current systems are protected and implemented correctly. Enter here and find out details: Raisis Software


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